ASA 2015 Organizations

The American Sociological Association 2015 program by section and institution.

Rice University

Matthew Pearce / ASA15 Orgs / Rice University

ASA 2015 Attendees29
Accepted Papers25
Solo Publications12
External Collaborations8
Mean Co-Authors1.68
wordcloud - title and abstract of all papers

External Collaborators

Topics and Sections

Accepted Papers Authors
Section on Sociology of Education43
Open Refereed Roundtables23
Section on Race, Class and Gender22
Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities23
Ethics and Science11
International Migration/Immigration13
Section on Body and Embodiment11
Section on Community and Urban Sociology11
Section on Environment and Technology11
Section on Latino/a Sociology11
Section on Organizations, Occupations and Work12
Section on Sociology of Development11
Section on Sociology of Population12
Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender11
Space and Place11
Thematic Sessions11
Urban Sociology13